Ms. Afzal is a Senior Private Sector Specialist with the World Bank’s Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation (FCI) global practice, based in Pakistan Country Office for almost eleven years. She has worked in the development sector on SMEs and value chains, financial markets integrity and of late, the tourism sector.
Ms. Afzal began her career at the Bank as a Research Analyst and since then, has contributed to preparation, appraisal and implementation support of FCI projects and technical assistance programmes. In her present role, she is leading four World Bank projects in the province of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on jobs and competitiveness and integrated tourism solutions.
Before that, she worked on private sector development and financial solutions for SMEs, at the Australian Aid, European Commission and SME Bank. She has a Masters' degree in Business Administration from the University of Peshawar, and an MSc in Social Policy from the London School of Economics.